Refund and Cancellation

At Paravision Lab, we are devoted to providing you with exemplary digital products, encompassing coding tutorials, coding-related blogs, and coding courses, that are meticulously curated to enrich your educational journey. We recognize that circumstances may evolve, necessitating considerations of refunds or cancellations. In the pursuit of transparency and equitable dealings, we have meticulously crafted the ensuing Refund and Cancellation Policy:

Refund Policy:

  • In general, we offer a 7-day refund period from the time of purchase for our digital courses, provided that you have not downloaded or completed any course materials. To be eligible for a refund, your request must meet these criteria: The refund request is made within 7 days of the purchase of course materials have been downloaded or completed
  • It is imperative to acknowledge that refund policies may diverge contingent upon the distinct course or service. To garner a comprehensive understanding of refund protocols, we urge you to acquaint yourself with the detailed particulars of each individual course.
  • We expressly retain the right to modify our refund policy, should the exigencies of the situation demand. Any alterations will be communicated judiciously through our official communication channels.

Cancellation Policy:

  • If you have subscribed to our service and wish to cancel, you can do so at any time.
  • Emphatically, we wish to underscore that cancellation procedures may exhibit variations in consonance with the specific attributes of each course or service. For a detailed grasp of cancellation mechanisms, we advise you to delve into the particulars of the relevant course.
  • In consonance with our prerogative, we uphold the authority to refine and revise our cancellation policy as deemed necessary. This discretion is wielded responsibly, aligning with the best interests of our valued patrons.

Guiding Principles:

  • While our refund and cancellation policies are adaptable to accommodate diverse scenarios, they remain anchored in principles of fairness, integrity, and unwavering commitment to delivering excellence in customer satisfaction.
  • We invite all patrons to routinely revisit our policies to stay abreast of any potential changes, thereby ensuring a seamless harmony between expectations and procedural intricacies.

Contact Us:

For inquiries, clarifications, or support pertaining to refunds, cancellations, or any aspect of our digital products, we extend a cordial invitation to reach out to our dedicated customer support team at We stand poised to furnish the guidance you seek, ensuring that your interaction with Paravision Lab is characterized by smooth and gratifying engagement.

It is vital to underscore that this Refund and Cancellation Policy is subject to evolution, and any revisions will be clearly articulated through our official communication channels. We encourage patrons to peruse this policy periodically to remain informed of any updates.

Last Updated: [27-09-2023]

Paravision Lab reserves the right to construe and amend this policy, guided always by considerations of equity and the well-being of our cherished clientele.